With times goes by, people are paying much attention on HCG diet
for its effective function for weight loss. But when we asking about
what is HCG diet, most of them can not reply exactly. Today this short
article aims to explain what HCG diet is for your quite understanding
of HCG diet and you can use of HCG diet without worried for with loss.
For HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is a hormone
present in both men and women, but it produced in a large amount in
pregnant females. This hormone is detected in the blood around 11 days
after conception; it is detected in the urine around 12-14 days after
conception. During female pregnancy, the substance almost completely
controls the woman's metabolic functions. The test in non-pregnant
persons shows HCG can increase the metabolism similar as a pregnant
female. Thousands of calories in stored fat are released, and are used
by the body or expelled.
HCG diet is produced according to HCG working principal and human
being's diet habit, which is green, healthy, environmental protection
and without side effect. HCG diet is your top selection for weight loss.
Famous specialist Dr. A.T.W. Simeons' research appears a small, daily
amount of HCG diet, results in an average weight loss of 1 to 2 lbs a
day when accompanied by a VLCD (very low calorie diet).
Even If you are seriously overweight guy, HCG diet shall be also what
you're looking for. Regularly HCG Dieter can lose an average of 1 to 3
lbs per day while modifying their metabolism and eating habits for
long term results.
I think now you shall be clear about what HCG diet is for and how
about the function of HCG diet for your weight. So, do not hesitate
anymore my brother, just come on to join the team of HCG diet.
Article Source: http://www.hcgdietinsight.com
Nowadays, more and more people are much are interest to use HCG diet for weight loss, but before the applying of HCG diet, you shall know some knowledge about HCG diet plan to guild you for achieve fruitful result.
"The HCG diet plan consists of regular doses of the hormone HCG along
with following a 500 calorie a day diet", this is the definition of
what Dr. Simeons gives and always suggests. Dr. Simeons is the founder
of HCG, HCG diet and other weight loss products related with HCG. He
also explains the reason why only 500 calories are needed is because the
body is already pulling at least 2000 calories from the body's stored
fat to use as energy.
Dr. Simeons also emphasis another issue for HCG diet plans.
He mentions, since you are only consuming 500 calories on the HCG diet
plan, there are certain foods that you need to avoid and certain foods
that you need to eat. The foods that you are required to eat on the
diet plan are the ones that will help restore your body back to its
normal balance of burning fat. That is the reason why HCG diet plan can
achieve so large success for weight loss.
Dr. Simeons recommend that
along with the protein, for HCG diet plan you can choose from a list of
vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and celery,
but only one kind of vegetable should be eaten with a meal. Do not add
any oil or fats to cook these vegetables, instead boil, grill, or steam
them. Along with the vegetables, a small apple, small grapefruit, and a
cup of strawberries can be eaten as long as they are organic.
Anyways, above is the introduction for HCG diet plan, hope this can support you for your weight loss finally.
Article Source: http://www.hcgdietinsight.com
Nowadays, to use HCG for weight loss is becoming a trend especially
for top level of white collars. But some people are querying about the
dangers for using of HCG danger, they prefer for the using of
traditional HCG injection products. Today our topic is to discuss about
the comparison of them.
However, before our discussion for HCG diet dangers
and HCG inject dangers, I must repeat again about the developing
history for HCG series. Since the 1950s, HCG products were enter into
market with especially for its HCG injects, a great many of patients
has been benefit for HCG injection. But with time goes by, HCG
injection is becoming out of the scale for weight loss. The reason is
that HCG injection own high proportion dangers than the newest weight
loss method - HCG diet.
The details for their comparison as follows:
To sum it all up, you will find out HCG diet is better weight loss treatment which effectively works with lowest dangers. Why do not you select HCG diet as your first choice?
Article Source: http://www.hcgdietinsight.com/
I did not trust the weight loss pills, so I choose the well sales weight loss product HGC
for my weight loss. To know HCG is by the introduction of my friend
who has been fight with obesity/ fatness many years since she gave a
birth of baby. The words you always can heard from her is "I hate to be
a fat moving lady". However, I was surprised to see the great change
on her; she returns back to be sexy again
Actually I was still worrying about my body shape ten months ago,
since I was laughed at by the people around me very often for
overweight before. And I tried to lose weight many times but always
failed. I try diet pills for weight loss, the pill could be effectual,
but it also makes my appetite decreased and inhibits my diet. When I
stopped taking the pills, my appetite will be back again and I was
unable to stop myself from pigging out, so I could not lose weight any
more. I thought that there is nothing on earth that can help me to lose
my unwanted weight until I decided to try the HGC for weight loss.
I was so lucky to have such a HCG diet which can make me lose at
least a pound on the first day when I firstly use it - the answer is
the HCG diet. My friend introduces me that HCG was into use since early
1950's which has been held test on both male and female. HGC makes use
of a natural hormone that is tremendously beneficial in weight loss.
This hormone was discovered to be produced only by pregnant women.
That's a reason why it can be absorbed ten times than other weight loss
Hi my buddy, above is what I have ever been experienced and suffering, If you are facing the same problem with me, I strong recommend you to have a test of HCG diet for your weight loss.
Article Source: http://www.hcgdietinsight.com/
Since more and more people are taking HCG Diet as means of lose weight and get slim, therefore it is very important and essential to know the Recipe of HCG Diet. To be frank, the HCG Diet Recipe is not so easy as we take other medicine or pills. I would like to share with you about the Recipe of HCG Diet as below:
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Heat the coconut
oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Saute the pepper, and scallions
for 6 minutes. Add the garlic and saute for 3 more minutes.
2. Place the toast slices in a large casserole dish. Combine the
remaining ingredients and pour the egg mixture on top of the toast. Add
the cooked vegetables. Bake for about 25-40 minutes until the omelet
is slightly puffed and set.
You may see it is a little bit complex and complicated of the HCG
Diet Recipe, but it is known that not every success comes so easily,
because HCG Diet can really
bring good and long effect, so it would be worth our while to do a
little bit complex work to lose weight and get slim. You do it every
time, and you will be used to it. This can not only make our body slim,
but also could be a good way to calm our feelings from the noisy
world. So let's enjoy the HCG Diet Recipe and enjoy the good effect it
brings to us.
Article Source: http://www.hcgdietinsight.com/