What Is HCG Diet

With times goes by, people are paying much attention on HCG diet for its effective function for weight loss. But when we asking about what is HCG diet, most of them can not reply exactly. Today this short article aims to explain what HCG diet is for your quite understanding of HCG diet and you can use of HCG diet without worried for with loss.
For HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is a hormone present in both men and women, but it produced in a large amount in pregnant females. This hormone is detected in the blood around 11 days after conception; it is detected in the urine around 12-14 days after conception. During female pregnancy, the substance almost completely controls the woman's metabolic functions.  The test in non-pregnant persons shows HCG can increase the metabolism similar as a pregnant female. Thousands of calories in stored fat are released, and are used by the body or expelled.   
HCG diet is produced according to HCG working principal and human being's diet habit, which is green, healthy, environmental protection and without side effect. HCG diet is your top selection for weight loss. Famous specialist Dr. A.T.W. Simeons' research appears a small, daily amount of HCG diet, results in an average weight loss of 1 to 2 lbs a day when accompanied by a VLCD (very low calorie diet).
Even If you are seriously overweight guy, HCG diet shall be also what you're looking for. Regularly HCG Dieter can lose an average of 1 to 3 lbs per day while modifying their metabolism and eating habits for long term results. 
I think now you shall be clear about what HCG diet is for and how about the function of HCG diet for your weight. So, do not hesitate anymore my brother, just come on to join the team of HCG diet.

Article Source: http://www.hcgdietinsight.com

Par hcgdietinsight5 le vendredi 14 janvier 2011


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