Some Knowledge about HCG Recipes

We have talked so much about HCG diet, for HCG positive aspect, negative aspect and HCG diet dangers. Some audience may query could you tell me much information about what is HCG diet recipes. Do not worry my friend, in the next step we will work together to share the knowledge of HCG diet and I will show you different series of HCG recipes.
As far as I am concerned, HCG diet recipes include three series: main food, soups/salads and desserts/snacks. Different range of food has different function for weight loss. Today we will discuss about the main food of HCG diet recipes.
Normally to say main food means the meals which you shall to eat daily, the only difference is the meals for HCG recipes can give you weight loss. What's more, the main food for HCG diet recipes is much more delicious than usual.
For main food of HCG diet recipes, you will find follows: 1. Chickens or Baked Fishes: Rub meat with lemon juice or dip in milk; Coat meat with mixture and bake or grill on George Forman. 2. Boneless Burgers: Grill chicken, turkey burgers or beef patties and season to taste; Layer between 2 lettuces leafs; add grilled sweet onions and tomatoes. 3. Meat Kabobs: 100 grams of meat of choice; 1 sweet onion; cut meat into cubes. Cut onion into small wedges. Combine seasoning and dressing and marinate with meat and onions for 4 hours. Place on metal skewers and grill on medium heat. 4. Orange Ginger Chicken: 100g chicken - cut into chunks; juice of half lemon; 2-3 cloves minced garlic - 1/2 t basil; black pepper - orange - cut in 1/4s 5. Slow cooker Roast: very lean roast (trim extra fat); whole onion chopped; 1 whole stalk of chopped celery; Place all ingredients in crock pot and cook on low for 8-12 hours. This is so yummy by itself, rolled into lettuce wraps or atop a bed of shredded lettuce.
Above is a reference list of main food for HCG diet recipes, you can do option according to your situation.

Article Source:

Par hcgdietinsight5 le mercredi 05 janvier 2011


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